Roxanne Stone, a former editor at Christianity Today stated:Less religious affiliation doesn't
necessarily mean that people are less likely to be believers than they used to be...
religion news article by lauren markoe.. some interesting points in the article.
the study follows the publication earlier this year of a book.
by study co-author and prri founder robert p. jones, titled "the end of white christian america".. the name "nones" are people who claim no affiliation with religion, they outnumber any religious denomination.. according to the poll-which has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.5 percent-age points-the nones have.
Roxanne Stone, a former editor at Christianity Today stated:Less religious affiliation doesn't
necessarily mean that people are less likely to be believers than they used to be...
religion news article by lauren markoe.. some interesting points in the article.
the study follows the publication earlier this year of a book.
by study co-author and prri founder robert p. jones, titled "the end of white christian america".. the name "nones" are people who claim no affiliation with religion, they outnumber any religious denomination.. according to the poll-which has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.5 percent-age points-the nones have.
"I wouldn't say we are destined to become a completely secular country by any
means, but we are venturing into uncharted waters in terms of our religious identity." say Cox
religion news article by lauren markoe.. some interesting points in the article.
the study follows the publication earlier this year of a book.
by study co-author and prri founder robert p. jones, titled "the end of white christian america".. the name "nones" are people who claim no affiliation with religion, they outnumber any religious denomination.. according to the poll-which has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.5 percent-age points-the nones have.
Religion News article By Lauren Markoe.
Some interesting points in the article. The study follows the publication earlier this year of a book
by study co-author and PRRI founder Robert P. Jones, titled "The End of White Christian America".
The name "nones" are people who claim no affiliation with religion, they outnumber any religious denomination.
According to the poll-which has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.5 percent-age points-the nones have
outstripped the single largest group of Americans:Catholics, who are now 21 percent of the adult population.
The next largest group, white evangelical Protestants, represent 16 percent.
Some interesting facts, "pasadenastarnews. com under Faith......
Maybe the End is near, Beelzebub is winning.
many bible believers accept the genesis documents explanations of human origins.
but the modern science of genomics is making that a very difficult intellectual position to hold.. increasingly, to believe the bible, is to accept superstition over rationality.. three papers published in the scientific journal nature demonstrate the point:.
1. the ancestors of australia aboriginal and papuan peoples left africa around 72,000 years ago.. 2. they arrived in the geological locations we now identify as australia and papua around 50,000 years ago.
What is so surprising to me is Christians and JW's have no idea about the timetable in the Bible.
I have been ask several times , how do you know when Adam was created? People didn't
keep records back then, that's what they will tell me. Christians and JW's deep down know that Adam
is not the first man 7000 years ago they can't be that dumb, with all the factual information we have today.
Is there one university today that teach man is 7000 years old or any school of higher learning???
so if that quote from the bible is correct, for every year that goes by another couple of million people will need to be destroyed.
it just doesn't make sense right?
Brain dead Elder:
Me: So God does not desire for any to be destroyed?
E: That's right, it's so simple follow the GB direction.
Me: How do you know which God?
E: there's only one, the God of JW's.
Me: so 8 billion will go up in flames:
E:Tough sh---t, but that's right.
so if that quote from the bible is correct, for every year that goes by another couple of million people will need to be destroyed.
it just doesn't make sense right?
Can we say collateral damage. Jehovah "Oh well, sh--t happen".
well, hell!.
i had dizzy spells and near-fainting and nausea for a few days, so why wouldn't i start thinking about death, ya know?.
am i just very lax in my responsibilities in having no plans at all?isn't that irresponsible?
VA cover my funeral, but I'am thinking cremation and scatter my ashes on the steps of the KH.
My last act of defiance. No doubt they will close that KH we know the minds of most JW's,
oh my God ashes of an Apostate in our door way. Demons will attack us in our meetings.
quran 64:11 "no disaster strikes except by permission of allah-he will guide his heart and.
allah is knowing of all things.".
mental illness stigma continues to be a "major" barrier for individuals with mental illness in the muslim community.. mental illness may also be perceived as a test or punishment from god.
Quran 64:11 "No disaster strikes except by permission of Allah-He will guide his heart and
Allah is knowing of all things."
Mental illness stigma continues to be a "Major" barrier for individuals with mental illness in the Muslim community.
Mental illness may also be perceived as a test or punishment from God. It also may be seen as
an opportunity to remedy disconnection from Allah or a lack of faith through regular prayer and
a sense of self-responsibility.
Hummm that sound so familiar....
You wonder with the latest NY bombing and other attacks, maybe mental issues.
lets try to think about this "logically", and i use that term loosely, because we are going to use jw "logic".. so, they say that satan is real.
these are the last days.
satan is "roaring about", like a lion, with him and his demons "trapped" within the confines of earth.
OK folks Satan is real and this is why. Job 12: 7-10 Dumb animals don't deny God's
existence only man deny his existence, so if God is real Satan got to be real.
Job tells us to ask the beasts and they will tell you. I haven't figure out how they will
do that but damn't they know. It must be true because the Bible say so, I have ask our cat
and just turn and walk away.
lets try to think about this "logically", and i use that term loosely, because we are going to use jw "logic".. so, they say that satan is real.
these are the last days.
satan is "roaring about", like a lion, with him and his demons "trapped" within the confines of earth.
If Satan is real he's a lot intelligent than the GOD of JW's... He derailed Jehovah's
plans from the beginning, right from the starting blocks. As for popularity their are
more movies about Satan than God, Satan sells tickets.......